Welcome to becoming a case consultant (BCC): 

Market Research

Familiarize with the case consulting by solving real-life consulting challenges.

Operation Made: Market Research


    • Understand the 5 steps involved in market research, from problem identification to reporting

    • Learn to collect and present data through real-life case studies and mini-case presentations.

    • Apply market research techniques to optimize digital marketing campaigns.

    • Develop market research recommendations, ideal for showcasing in your portfolio. 


    • Converting a client problem into a case challenge to work on
    • Data collection and case writing
    • Problem-solving that proves your credibility
  • Course duration

    • Self-paced
    • From 2-12 hours or a week, based on your style

  • Key Deliverables

    • Market Research Presentation 
    • Video pitch to the client 

Julia Ivy, Ph.D. Psych, Ph.D. Mgmt

President, BE-EDGE Strategies
ABOUT Julia Ivy
Dr. Julia Ivy is a strategy and international business executive professor at Northeastern University and a creator of BE-EDGE method for boutique employability. Dr. Ivy holds two doctorate degrees, the first a PhD in Psychology and the second in Management. The BE-EDGE Method arose out of the point of intersection of these two specialties. In addition to her academic work, Dr. Ivy consults and acts as an executive coach for  universities and businesses seeking to establish an employment pipeline for highly educated newcomers to a market and industry of their choice.  
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